This weekend went by really quickly. There are only seven minutes left, really. Tomorrow I have school, followed by rehearsal, followed by nothing. I don't think I want to do anything tomorrow. Maybe I'll go see a movie. I really want to see Safe House, but I also really want to see Star Wars Episode I in 3D.
At the moment, I'm getting ready to watch an Eddie Izzard special and go to sleep. Planning on getting up early tomorrow, even though it's already midnight.
I finished reading Ready Player One. One of my new favorite books. Honestly. I plan on writing a review tomorrow.
Also, I really want to paint my nails. I know it's stupid, but I'm so jealous of girls whose nails look really pretty when painted. On me it looks like a little kid painted their nails, they're so short, and I'm not practiced, so it just looks terrible. Maybe I'll get them professionally done or something. How much can a manicure cost, right?
I just searched, they cost quite a bit. Disappointed.
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