Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye, 2010

2010. It ends tonight. Today is the last day of the year, officially. But really, it doesn't feel all that different from any other day... ever. Tomorrow, the sun will rise. Tomorrow I'll be doing so much homework I can barely stay awake. I'll be fitting a vacations worth of homework into two days. Tomorrow won't be anything special, and to be honest, today isn't either.

Until I got a happy little event notification on facebook, I was blissfully unaware that tonight was New Years Eve... I thought that it was days away, but alas, I was wrong. Tonight is the last day of the year. I'll be at a party, like most people, watching the new year come as the ball drops in New York City. Want to know something cool? It's already tomorrow in Australia. The United States and Australia are in two different years at the moment. That's pretty cool.

But that got me thinking about a lot of things concerning time. According to Doctor Who, "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect... but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff." Which makes me wonder: If you were to have a baby in Australia at exactly midnight, and immediately take off on a flight towards JFK Airport in New York City with your new baby, wouldn't you be technically going back and putting your child in an alternate time? Twelve hours later, sitting in JFK airport you would turn to your child and say to them, "Now it's your birthday." How old would your child be considered?

Or how about this one: People talk about 2012 being catastrophic. "Oh no! The world is going to end!" and all of that crap. But which time zone are we talking about? If we're talking about December 21st, 2012 in Australia, that means it'll still be December 20th, 2012 in New York City. Well, that sucks, because then all the happy little New Yorkers got cheated out of a bit of life, didn't they?

However, if this is the case, is it correct to assume that people in Australia have been living for longer than we have? Technically, a child born at midnight on December 31st in Australia and a child born at midnight on December 31st in New York City would be born twelve hours apart. Now, relatively speaking, this isn't a great difference. But their birth certificates would read the same time, even if they were from two different locations.

Now let's think about hovercrafts. If one were in a hovercraft, hovering around, zooming to and fro, that would be awesome, would it not? However, would the hovercraft in question be crippled by the effects of our atmosphere? If it would, the hovercraft would move as the earth did, both around the sun and on the earth's axis. But, if the hovercraft was a true hovercraft, and if someone were to leave it sitting in his backyard for a full year, the hovercraft would seem to slowly move, and would at one point leave our atmosphere all together. That being said, 365 days later it would be back where it was.

See how much fun science can be? Hooray! I kind of wish that I was taking a science class this year. But more than that, I wish that my science teacher would be like Professor Zachary from Strange Days at Blake Holsey High. I just watched all of the series online (I used to watch it on Discovery Kids back in middle school, but I never finished it or found out what happened... I was curious.) I wish that Danbury High School was like that... It'd be so fantastic. Sure there'd be the occasional worm hole splurge, and the danger of using something from Pearadyme Industries, but... It's all in good fun, correct?

Well, I'm going to a New Years Eve party now. I'm quite happy to put this year behind me, but I'll list out my goals and all that schtuff tomorrow. After my homework, of course...

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