Well, it does. Intensely. I hate country music. No clue why, I just can't stand it. At all. Hurray. I'm quite bored today, and I've accomplished nothing in the two hours that I've been up. I need to get working, actually, so I'll make this brief and hopefully write something with some substance later.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Did I Mention That Country Music Makes Me Suicidal?
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 6:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 26, 2010
But At Least I've Come To Terms With My Own Mortality
So, I was researching chronic fatigue today. Why? Just on a whim. I tend to get really tired, run-down, and I get sick a lot. I know most of this can be due to stress, but I think that it was worth looking into. So, I went to WebMD (I did not write this stuff. They did. Don't eat me for sharing it!)
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 2:38 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Fragile (noun) - Easily broken, shattered or damaged; delicate, brittle, frail
And so it was.
- Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, sodas and tea. A little can help you wake up and become more alert. Too much can cause nervousness and anxiety. Everyone has a different tolerance level for caffeine. If you think you might be drinking too much, try replacing some of your caffeine intake with decaffeinated coffee or tea, or caffeine-free sodas.
- Drinking alcohol can seriously disrupt sleeping patterns, making it hard to get a good night's sleep. Painful hangovers are another stressful side effect of drinking. To top it off, alcohol affects good judgment, which can lead to a host of stressful problems.
- Nicotine's poisonous ingredients raise the heart rate and stress out the body. Although tobacco users feel relaxed at first, they soon feel nervous again, leading to the desire for another cigarette or dip of chew. Nicotine keeps the body on a stress roller coaster at all times.
- Sugary foods raise energy levels for a short time. The trouble is that your body deals with high levels of sugar by releasing insulin, which reduces the amount of sugar in your blood. Insulin can lower your sugar level, even after your blood sugar has normalized. This is called a sugar crash. It's a cycle that is stressful to the mind and the body. Eating healthy foods and keeping sugary snacks to a minimum will keep your body running smoothly and feeling great.
- Being lazy is a stress factor that can sneak up on us. Napping, watching TV and playing video games are okay sometimes, but doing them too often can cause frustration and boredom, two things that can lead to major stress. Get out and enjoy the world, it's worth the effort!
- Eat healthy meals with fruits, vegetables, and grains. These raw materials provide your body with energy that keeps you feeling happier and healthier, even during times of stress.
- Try to get the same amount of sleep every night, at least eight hours. Even though you may not realize it, feeling tired actually causes stress.
- Exercise on a regular basis. No single activity can lower your stress levels more than exercise. In addition to a host of health benefits, exercise releases chemicals into your bloodstream that fight stress, depression, and anxiety.
- Make a list of the things stressing you out. Change the ones you can. Accept the ones you can't change.
- Don't commit to things you can't, or don't want to do. Remember to think about yourself and save some time just for you, even if you only spend it relaxing.
- Have at least one friend you can talk to about your problems. Having a close friend requires effort, trust and sacrifice, but the benefits are well worth it. When choosing your friends, remember that no one is perfect.
- Have fun. It may sound simple, but having fun often requires planning and effort. Find a hobby, sport or healthy activity that you love, and do it as often as you can.
- Learn to express your feelings. Your feelings are important and you have a right to share them with others. If someone makes you angry or hurts you, don't keep it inside. Unexpressed feelings can quickly grow into huge stress factors. Respectfully telling someone how you feel has two benefits: it releases the bad feelings and it often prevents the hurtful problem form happening again.
- Learn to read your stress cues. Pay attention to clues from your thoughts ("I wish I'd never gotten out of bed!") and your body (headache). The more you learn to listen, the sooner you can spot stress and work toward reducing it.
- Find a stress buster that works for you. Listening to music, having time set aside for yourself, and any of these things will help.
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 5:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
On The Road To Veridian City
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Insider and The Pentacoth
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Attack of a Procrastinatory Race
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Blame It On The Rain
My paper is done! Well, it has been... I actually finished it on Sunday... Heh, about that update... I did get to write the second part of my epic poem. It's going pretty well. Asakurii the Destroyer. Hu-ya-ha! Whatever. I like it so far, so I'm quite pleased with the outcome of the tale as it goes so far.
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Asakurii The Destroyer
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 8:14 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Procrastination Attacks Planet Brain
Yes, I admit I've been procrastinating. A lot. A lot, lot, lot, lot... you get he idea. I haven't written a sufficient blog post in quite a while. Why? Not quite sure. It may have something to do with my mood. Currently I'm a bit mellow, getting over the fact that I had a bad morning between younger brothers, un-understanding parents, and having a fever. Tylenol doesn't help even the slightest of aches, but it's all I'm not allergic to. So I've been lazing around watching a combination of mindless cartoons, commercials for products I don't care about, and the Olympics. And of course the occasional four hour splurge on Animal Crossing. Addicted you say? I say nay. I need to join Animal Crossers Anonymous.
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Asakurii The Destroyer
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It Is What It Is...
Three-hundred seconds. That's all it takes for your life to change. Three-hundred seconds. So much can happen in that five minutes of your life. You can get a bad grade on a test. You can open a mailbox to find that you've gotten into the college of your dreams. You can watch as a loved-ones life ends right before your eyes. You can fall and hurt yourself. You can win the lottery. You never know what's going to happen in those three-hundred seconds of your life.
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Liquid Velvet Steals A Life
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 6:39 PM 0 comments
A Rescue Attempt Would Be Illogical
And I'm just not feeling up to it. I'm tired, that's fair to say. Very tired. I've been watching a lot of the Olympics today. Go for the gold, USA. I did a lot on my science experiment, and am happily finished with all of my homework. So why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 14, 2010
At Least I'm Not Alone In Being Lonely
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 5:21 AM 2 comments
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Color Me Impressed
Well, not impressed, exactly. I'm quite proud, though. I wrote two songs today. One of which I posted. I think they're pretty good. The other one is about Valentines day. I'll post it on valentines day... quite obviously. I'm still not impressed... I should probably write a song about how pissed off I am at Valentines Day. It's a stupid holiday. I guess it's common to feel lonely on Valentines Day, though. It's fantastic. Not really. At least I'm not alone in being lonely.
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Verge of Breaking
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 5:45 PM 0 comments
A New Spin On The Old Nightmare
So, I've been having this re-occuring nightmare for about... nine? Ten years? Something like that. Not every night, just every couple of months it'll shock me. I don't even know if you can categorize it as a nightmare anymore. It was when I was five, but now? I'm not really that scared of it, just kind of irritated.
- Homework
- Shower, clean room, do some laundry
- Pick out a movie or two for Movie Night tomorrow
- Charge cell.
- Continue going through documents
- Buy books on Amazon
- Look at more music on PV.
- French: Workbook, and vocabulary 3x each.
- English: Get story of website, annotate, respond using CAPT questions, finish other responses, start reading False Memory
- World Studies: Nothing.
- Algebra: Test corrections, two worksheets
- Chem: Powerpoint, display board, final paper and study for test
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 4:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Chewing On Things
Everyone wants to know that they're here, among other people. They want to know that they're not alone, that there are people out there that care about them and what they do, usually besides their parents. Most of the time these people turn to a medium to release their inner desires, to call to people and say, "Here I am! Follow me on Blogger! Listen to what I have to say! I'm important, I promise!" We look for this influx of people, complete strangers, to comment on what we have to say, to make us feel important and interesting. To say, "Wow, yeah. You're really interesting." But we don't really want their approval. We just want someone's approval. It doesn't matter who's. It could be Bill Gates, or Bill Stewart down the street. It doesn't matter.
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
Once In A While...
Sometimes I get the urge to create a new blog. I enjoy making them, making each one unique, different. I can talk about different things in different places. This is my fourth blog. I'm proud to say that. Greedy? Probably. You might say that. But I like it. People can think what they want, thats my personal opinion.
Posted by Siobhán Kathleen at 12:22 PM 0 comments